6. VM Providers (outdated)

Cm4 works straight forward with a number of providers under the assumption you have accounts on these frameworks. We demonstrate hete how to start a singel vm on each of these providers and list the started vms. Defaults form the configuration file are used to select images and flavors. These defaults can naturally be changed.

6.1. General Cloud Providers Access

We are using the python library Apache Libcloud to interact with cloud service providers. Currently, in cms, we could access:

By using the Apache Libcloud API, we could do these operations for nodes in above cloud service providers:

  • Start the node
  • Stop the node
  • Resume the node
  • Suspend the node
  • Destory the node
  • Create the node

Improvement: Sometimes adjustments to nodes are necessary (switch between different images/OS and service sizes). Cm4 also allow users to customize their instances across multiple providers by using refactor functions to support their management tasks.

  • Resize the node
  • Rebuild(with different image) the node
  • Rename the node
  • Revert previous operations to the node

6.2. General Interface

$ cms set cloud=<cloudname as defined in the ~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh4.yaml>
$ cms vm start
$ cms vm list

$ cms flavor="medium"
$ cms image="ubuntu18.04"

$ cms vm start

6.3. Explicit Use with Options

$ cms vm start --cloud=chameleon --image=ubuntu18.04 --flavor=medium --key=~/.ssh/id_rsa.bub

6.4. Vagrant


$ cms set cloud=vagrant
$ cms vm start
$ cms vm list

6.5. AWS

6.5.1. Setup and Configuration

Amazon Web Service (AWS) provided by Amazon is a secure cloud service platform, users could start any instances with selected images.

Before users use the cms platform to access EC2, they have to finish these preparations:

  1. EC2 account, more information is here

  2. Log in the EC2 account, update your Access Key.

    Access Keys has two parts: Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. These Access Keys are the only way you could authentically access the AWS though AWS API requests. (create new Access Key: Account (right upper corner) > My Security Credentials

    Access Keys > Create New Access Key)

  3. Private Key file is a key pairs to encrypt and decrypt login information. While using Private Key file, there is no need to use username or password to login the instance of AWS. For sshing the instance, the ssh client would use the private key file instead of credential information. (create new key pairs: Network & Security (left column bar) > Key Pairs > Create Key Pair)

  4. Security Group acts as a virtual firewall for the instance. When you launch a instance, we have to attach the Security Group to it for controlling the traffic in and out. So before you are using any nodes in AWS, you have to pre-define the Security Group that you will use. (create new Security Group: Network $ Security (left column bar) > Security Group > Create Security Group)

  5. Region is the service location where you start the instance. AWS hosts services in different regions, you should select the region where you want to start you instance.

When you finish all above things, you should update information into the block ‘aws’ of cloudmesh4.yaml file in ETC folder

EC2 provides On-Demand Pricing cloud services based on different CPU, Memory and Storage selections. Please visit this page for more information. In default setting, we use the latest Ubuntu image filled in default.image field. If you want to use other images, please update the Image ID into it.

$ cms set cloud=aws
$ cms vm start
$ cms vm list

6.6. Azure

Uses LibCloud’s Azure ARM Compute Driver

6.6.1. Setup and Configuration

Install Azure CLI

Download and install according to your platform.

Make sure subscription is registered for compute services

az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Compute

Service principal

Full documentation on creating service principals. The Azure ARM Driver does not appear to support certificate based principals at this time.

Create Principal

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name cm-admin-pw --password <SECRET>

Add Owner role.

az role assignment create --assignee <APP_ID> --role Owner

Note: <APP_ID> is provided in the output when the principal is created

$ cms set cloud=azure
$ cms vm start
$ cms vm list

6.7. OpenStack

OpenStack is an Infrastructure service that allows users to utilize computing resource in cloud service platform through virtual environments.

Chameleon Cloud provides an OpenStack installation of version 2015.1 (Kilo) using the KVM virtualization technology at the KVM@TACC site. It is important to make sure you are visiting the KVM@TACC site so as to get proper installation. Learn more here to properly set up yout account before proceed to your journey with cms.

6.7.1. Jetstream


$ cms set cloud=jetstream
$ cms vm start
$ cms vm list

6.7.2. Chameleon Cloud

$ cms set cloud=chameleon
$ cms vm start
$ cms vm list

6.7.3. Cybera


$ cms set cloud=cybera
$ cms vm start
$ cms vm list

6.7.4. DevStack


$ cms set cloud=devstack
$ cms vm start
$ cms vm list