3. Object Storage

3.1. Instalation for Users

At this time we do not offer this ~~but it will be~~

~~pip install cloudmesh-community~~

Gregor will set this up, so please do not do this yourself.

3.2. Instalation for Developers

This install only works if you use ssh-keys with github

mkdir cm
cd cm
pip install cloudmesh-installer
# if you have not uploaded your ssh key to git do so. One option is
# cloudmesh-installer git key
cloudmesh-installer clone storage
cloudmesh-installer install storage -e
git clone git@github.com:cloudmesh/cloudmesh-objstorage.git
cd cloudmesh-objstorage
pip install -e .

3.3. Cloudmesh Object Storage Interfaces

3.3.1. Object Storage with ASW S3

Object Storage is one of the feature in AWS S3 and this feature integrated with cloudmesh library and is available for use via commandline.

Follow the below steps:

  • Modify cloudmesh4.yaml config file in ‘cloudmesh-objstorage’ section. User need to add required object storage parameters to communicate with cloud(AWS S3)
  • In the credentials section under awss3, add the parameter values of access_key_id and secret_access_key, these credentials will be gained from appropriate cloud vendor(For ex: AWS), in the case of AWS, these will be available which will be available in the AWS console under AWS IAM service -> Users -> Security Credentials.

Here is a sample.

        heading: aws
        host: amazon.aws.com
        label: aws
        kind: awss3
        version: 1.0
        directory: AWS
        access_key_id: *********
        secret_access_key: *******

The Cloudmesh command line library offers several functions as part of objstorage command: get, put, search, list, create, and delete. Once you have installed Cloudmesh, type cms into the command line to start the cms shell.

$ cms
|   ____ _                 _                     _      |
|  / ___| | ___  _   _  __| |_ __ ___   ___  ___| |__   |
| | |   | |/ _ \| | | |/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \/ __| '_ \  |
| | |___| | (_) | |_| | (_| | | | | | |  __/\__ \ | | | |
|  \____|_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___||___/_| |_| |
|                  Cloudmesh CMD5 Shell                 |


To view the docopt for objstorage command, type in

cms> help objstorage 

Help command gives a detail level understanding of what each command does and how to use the command line to interact with different object storage providers and different parameters / options available in a particular command.

In this, default object storage invokes AWS S3 service, we need to pass awss3 as parameter to storage and suffix with the function call with the function parameters.

cms> objstorage --objstorage='aws3' list ''

Alternatively, objstorage command can also be called directly without starting the cms shell.

$ cms objstorage --objstorage='awss3' list ''

3.3.2. Objstorage Functionality

3.4. Create Object Directory

This command helps to create a new bucket before storage an object on AWS S3. You must specify the full path of the new directory you would like to create.

$ cms objstorage --objstorage='awss3' create bucket_name /base_path/

3.5. Put

The put command uploads object from your local system to AWS S3 object storage

$ cms objstorage --objstorage='awss3' put ~/.cloudmesh/objstorage/src /base_path/dest --recursive

3.6. Get

The put command retrieve or download a object from AWS S3 object storage

$ cms objstorage --objstorage='awss3' get /bucket_name/src ~/.cloudmesh/objstorage/dest --recursive

3.8. List

The list command lists all the contents of a cloud object details. If the recursive option is specified, it will list the contents of all the nested objects information

$ cms objstorage --objstorage='awss3' list /bucket_name/dest --recursive

3.9. Delete

The delete command can delete objects on cloud storage. Once object deletes it will never be rollback and delete applicable to nested objects when function --recursive used. Deleting a folder will delete its contents as well (including the sub-directories).

$ cms objstorage --objstorage='awss3' delete /bucket_name/est --recursive