6. REST Service (outdated)

The REST Api is built using flask and provides the cloud information retrieval functionality through HTTP calls.

6.1. Pre-requisites

Use pip install to install the following packages.

  • Flask
  • Flask-PyMongo

6.2. How to run the REST API

  • Navigate to the cm directory. example:
cd ~/git/cloudmesh/cm
  • Configure cloudmesh
pip install .
  • Add the MongoDB information in the configuration file
vi ~/.cloudmesh/cloudmesh4.yaml
  • Run the REST API
python cm4/flask_rest_api/rest_api.py

6.3. API

  • /vms/ : Provides information on all the VMs.
  • /vms/stopped : Provides information on all the stopped VMs.
  • /vms/<id> : Provides information on the VM identified by the

6.4. Examples

  • Retrieve information about a VM

    curl localhost:5000/vms/i-0fad7e92ffea8b345

6.5. Dev - restricting certain ips for certain rest calls

from flask import abort, request
from cm4.flask_rest_api.app import app

def limit_remote_addr():
    if request.remote_addr != '':
        abort(403)  # Forbidden