Source code for cloudmesh.common.Printer

Convenient methods and classes to print tables.
from __future__ import print_function

import json

import oyaml as yaml
#from prettytable import PrettyTable
from cloudmesh.common.prettytable import PrettyTable

from cloudmesh.common.console import Console
from cloudmesh.common.dotdict import dotdict
from cloudmesh.common.util import convert_from_unicode
from cloudmesh.common.FlatDict import flatten

[docs]class Printer(object): """ A simple Printer class with convenient methods to print dictionary, tables, csv, lists """
[docs] @classmethod def flatwrite(cls, table, order=None, header=None, output="table", sort_keys=True, show_none="", sep="." ): """ writes the information given in the table :param table: the table of values :param order: the order of the columns :param header: the header for the columns :param output: the format (default is table, values are raw, csv, json, yaml, dict :param sort_keys: if true the table is sorted :param show_none: passed along to the list or dict printer :param sep: uses sep as the separator for csv printer :return: """ flat = flatten(table, sep=sep) return Printer.write(flat, sort_keys=sort_keys, order=order, header=header, output=output)
[docs] @classmethod def write(cls, table, order=None, header=None, output="table", sort_keys=True, show_none="" ): """ writes the information given in the table :param table: the table of values :param order: the order of the columns :param header: the header for the columns :param output: the format (default is table, values are raw, csv, json, yaml, dict :param sort_keys: if true the table is sorted :param show_none: passed along to the list or dict printer :return: """ if output == "raw": return table elif table is None: return None elif type(table) in [dict, dotdict]: return cls.dict(table, order=order, header=header, output=output, sort_keys=sort_keys, show_none=show_none) elif type(table) == list: return cls.list(table, order=order, header=header, output=output, sort_keys=sort_keys, show_none=show_none) else: Console.error("unkown type {0}".format(type(table)))
[docs] @classmethod def list(cls, l, order=None, header=None, output="table", sort_keys=True, show_none="" ): """ :param l: l is a list not a dict :param order: :param header: :param output: :param sort_keys: :param show_none: :return: """ d = {} count = 0 for entry in l: name = str(count) d[name] = entry count += 1 return cls.dict(d, order=order, header=header, sort_keys=sort_keys, output=output, show_none=show_none)
[docs] @classmethod def dict(cls, d, order=None, header=None, output="table", sort_keys=True, show_none=""): """ TODO :param d: A a dict with dicts of the same type. :type d: dict :param order:The order in which the columns are printed. The order is specified by the key names of the dict. :type order: :param header: The Header of each of the columns :type header: list or tuple of field names :param output: type of output (table, csv, json, yaml or dict) :type output: string :param sort_keys: :type sort_keys: bool :param show_none: prints None if True for None values otherwise "" :type show_none: bool :return: """ if output == "table": if d == {}: return None else: return cls.dict_table(d, order=order, header=header, sort_keys=sort_keys) elif output == "csv": return cls.csv(d, order=order, header=header, sort_keys=sort_keys) elif output == "json": return json.dumps(d, sort_keys=sort_keys, indent=4) elif output == "yaml": return yaml.dump(convert_from_unicode(d), default_flow_style=False) elif output == "dict": return d else: return "UNKOWN FORMAT. Please use table, csv, json, yaml, dict."
[docs] @classmethod def csv(cls, d, order=None, header=None, sort_keys=True): """ prints a table in csv format :param d: A a dict with dicts of the same type. :type d: dict :param order:The order in which the columns are printed. The order is specified by the key names of the dict. :type order: :param header: The Header of each of the columns :type header: list or tuple of field names :param sort_keys: TODO: not yet implemented :type sort_keys: bool :return: a string representing the table in csv format """ first_element = list(d)[0] def _keys(): return list(d[first_element]) # noinspection PyBroadException def _get(element, key): try: tmp = str(d[element][key]) except: tmp = ' ' return tmp if d is None or d == {}: return None if order is None: order = _keys() if header is None and order is not None: header = order elif header is None: header = _keys() table = "" content = [] for attribute in order: content.append(attribute) table = table + ",".join([str(e) for e in content]) + "\n" for job in d: content = [] for attribute in order: try: content.append(d[job][attribute]) except: content.append("None") table = table + ",".join([str(e) for e in content]) + "\n" return table
[docs] @classmethod def dict_table(cls, d, order=None, header=None, sort_keys=True, show_none="", max_width=40): """prints a pretty table from an dict of dicts :param d: A a dict with dicts of the same type. Each key will be a column :param order: The order in which the columns are printed. The order is specified by the key names of the dict. :param header: The Header of each of the columns :type header: A list of string :param sort_keys: Key(s) of the dict to be used for sorting. This specify the column(s) in the table for sorting. :type sort_keys: string or a tuple of string (for sorting with multiple columns) :param show_none: prints None if True for None values otherwise "" :type show_none: bool :param max_width: maximum width for a cell :type max_width: int """ def _keys(): all_keys = [] for e in d: keys = d[e].keys() all_keys.extend(keys) return list(set(all_keys)) # noinspection PyBroadException def _get(item, key): try: tmp = str(d[item][key]) if tmp == "None": tmp = show_none except: tmp = ' ' return tmp if d is None or d == {}: return None if order is None: order = _keys() if header is None and order is not None: header = order elif header is None: header = _keys() x = PrettyTable(header) x.max_width = max_width if sort_keys: if type(sort_keys) is str: sorted_list = sorted(d, key=lambda x: d[x][sort_keys]) elif type(sort_keys) == tuple: sorted_list = sorted(d, key=lambda x: tuple( [d[x][sort_key] for sort_key in sort_keys])) else: sorted_list = d else: sorted_list = d for element in sorted_list: values = [] for key in order: values.append(_get(element, key)) x.add_row(values) x.align = "l" return x
[docs] @classmethod def attribute(cls, d, header=None, order=None, sort_keys=True, output="table"): """prints a attribute/key value table :param d: A a dict with dicts of the same type. Each key will be a column :param order: The order in which the columns are printed. The order is specified by the key names of the dict. :param header: The Header of each of the columns :type header: A list of string :param sort_keys: Key(s) of the dict to be used for sorting. This specify the column(s) in the table for sorting. :type sort_keys: string or a tuple of string (for sorting with multiple columns) :param output: the output format table, csv, dict, json """ if header is None: header = ["Attribute", "Value"] if output == "table": x = PrettyTable(header) if order is not None: sorted_list = order else: sorted_list = list(d) if sort_keys: sorted_list = sorted(d) for key in sorted_list: if type(d[key]) == dict: values = d[key] x.add_row([key, "+"]) for e in values: x.add_row([" -", "{}: {}".format(e, values[e])]) elif type(d[key]) == list: values = list(d[key]) x.add_row([key, "+"]) for e in values: x.add_row([" -", e]) else: x.add_row([key, d[key] or ""]) x.align = "l" return x else: return cls.dict({output: d}, output=output)
[docs] @classmethod def print_list(cls, l, output='table'): """ prints a list :param l: the list :param output: the output, default is a table :return: """ def dict_from_list(l): """ returns a dict from a list for printing :param l: the list :return: """ d = dict([(idx, item) for idx, item in enumerate(l)]) return d if output == 'table': x = PrettyTable(["Index", "Host"]) for (idx, item) in enumerate(l): x.add_row([idx, item]) x.align = "l" x.align["Index"] = "r" return x elif output == 'csv': return ",".join(l) elif output == 'dict': d = dict_from_list(l) return d elif output == 'json': d = dict_from_list(l) result = json.dumps(d, indent=4) return result elif output == 'yaml': d = dict_from_list(l) result = yaml.dump(d, default_flow_style=False) return result elif output == 'txt': return "\n".join(l)
[docs] @classmethod def row_table(cls, d, order=None, labels=None): """prints a pretty table from data in the dict. :param d: A dict to be printed :param order: The order in which the columns are printed. The order is specified by the key names of the dict. :param labels: The array of labels for the column """ # header header = list(d) x = PrettyTable(labels) if order is None: order = header for key in order: value = d[key] if type(value) == list: x.add_row([key, value[0]]) for element in value[1:]: x.add_row(["", element]) elif type(value) == dict: value_keys = list(value) first_key = value_keys[0] rest_keys = value_keys[1:] x.add_row( [key, "{0} : {1}".format(first_key, value[first_key])]) for element in rest_keys: x.add_row(["", "{0} : {1}".format(element, value[element])]) else: x.add_row([key, value]) x.align = "l" return x