Source code for cloudmesh.common.console

Printing messages in a console
from __future__ import print_function

import textwrap
import traceback

import colorama
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style


[docs]def indent(text, indent=2, width=128): """ indents the given text by the indent specified and wrapping to the given width :param text: the text to print :param indent: indent characters :param width: the width of the text :return: """ return "\n".join( textwrap.wrap(text, width=width, initial_indent=" " * indent, subsequent_indent=" " * indent))
[docs]class Console(object): """ A simple way to print in a console terminal in color. Instead of using simply the print statement you can use special methods to indicate warnings, errors, ok and regular messages. Example Usage:: Console.warning("Warning") Console.error("Error")"Info") Console.msg("msg") Console.ok("Success") One can switch the color mode off with:: Console.color = False Console.error("Error") The color will be switched on by default. """ color = True debug = True theme_color = { 'HEADER': Fore.MAGENTA, 'BLACK': Fore.BLACK, 'CYAN': Fore.CYAN, 'WHITE': Fore.WHITE, 'BLUE': Fore.BLUE, 'OKBLUE': Fore.BLUE, 'OKGREEN': Fore.GREEN, 'GREEN': Fore.GREEN, 'FAIL': Fore.RED, 'WARNING': Fore.MAGENTA, 'RED': Fore.RED, 'ENDC': '\033[0m', 'BOLD': "\033[1m", } theme_bw = { 'HEADER': '', 'BLACK': '', 'CYAN': '', 'WHITE': '', 'BLUE': '', 'OKBLUE': '', 'OKGREEN': '', 'GREEN': '', 'FAIL': '', 'WARNING': '', 'RED': '', 'ENDC': '', 'BOLD': "", } theme = theme_color
[docs] @classmethod def set_debug(cls, on=True): """ sets debugging on or of :param on: if on debugging is set :return: """ cls.debug = on
[docs] @staticmethod def set_theme(color=True): """ defines if the console messages are printed in color :param color: if True its printed in color :return: """ if color: Console.theme = Console.theme_color else: Console.theme = Console.theme_bw Console.color = color
[docs] @staticmethod def get(name): """ returns the default theme for printing console messages :param name: the name of the theme :return: """ if name in Console.theme: return Console.theme[name] else: return Console.theme['BLACK']
[docs] @staticmethod def txt_msg(message, width=79): """ prints a message to the screen :param message: the message to print :param width: teh width of the line :return: """ return textwrap.fill(message, width=width)
[docs] @staticmethod def msg(*message): """ prints a message :param message: the message to print :return: """ str = " ".join(message) print(str)
[docs] @classmethod def error(cls, message, prefix=True, traceflag=False): """ prints an error message :param message: the message :param prefix: a prefix for the message :param traceflag: if true the stack trace is retrieved and printed :return: """ # print (message, prefix) message = message or "" if prefix: text = "ERROR: " else: text = "" if cls.color: cls.cprint('FAIL', text, str(message)) else: print(cls.txt_msg(text + str(message))) if traceflag and cls.debug: trace = traceback.format_exc().strip() if trace: print() print("Trace:") print("\n ".join(str(trace).splitlines())) print()
[docs] @staticmethod def TODO(message, prefix=True, traceflag=True): """ prints an TODO message :param message: the message :param prefix: if set to true it prints TODO: as prefix :param traceflag: if true the stack trace is retrieved and printed :return: """ message = message or "" if prefix: text = "TODO: " else: text = "" if Console.color: Console.cprint('FAIL', text, str(message)) else: print(Console.msg(text + str(message))) trace = traceback.format_exc().strip() if traceflag and trace != "None": print() print("\n".join(str(trace).splitlines())) print()
[docs] @staticmethod def debug_msg(message): """ print a debug message :param message: the message :return: """ message = message or "" if Console.color: Console.cprint('RED', 'DEBUG: ', message) else: print(Console.msg('DEBUG: ' + message))
[docs] @staticmethod def info(message): """ prints an informational message :param message: the message :return: """ message = message or "" if Console.color: Console.cprint('OKBLUE', "INFO: ", message) else: print(Console.msg("INFO: " + message))
[docs] @staticmethod def warning(message): """ prints a warning :param message: the message :return: """ message = message or "" if Console.color: Console.cprint('WARNING', "WARNING: ", message) else: print(Console.msg("WARNING: " + message))
[docs] @staticmethod def ok(message): """ prints an ok message :param message: the message< :return: """ message = message or "" if Console.color: Console.cprint('OKGREEN', "", message) else: print(Console.msg(message))
[docs] @staticmethod def cprint(color, prefix, message): """ prints a message in a given color :param color: the color as defined in the theme :param prefix: the prefix (a string) :param message: the message :return: """ message = message or "" prefix = prefix or "" print((Console.theme[color] + prefix + message + Console.theme['ENDC']))
# # Example # if __name__ == "__main__": print(Console.color) print(Console.theme) Console.warning("Warning") Console.error("Error")"Info") Console.msg("msg") Console.ok("Ok") Console.color = False print(Console.color) Console.error("Error") print(Fore.RED + 'some red text') print(Back.GREEN + 'and with a green background') print(Style.DIM + 'and in dim text') print(Fore.RESET + Back.RESET + Style.RESET_ALL) print('back to normal now')