Source code for cloudmesh.common.locations

class that specifies where we read the cloudmesh.yaml file from
import os

from cloudmesh.common.Shell import Shell
from cloudmesh.common.util import path_expand

__config_dir_prefix__ = os.path.join("~", ".cloudmesh")

__config_dir__ = path_expand(__config_dir_prefix__)

[docs]def config_file(filename): """ The location of the config file: ~/.cloudmesh/filename. ~ will be expanded :param filename: the filename """ return os.path.join(__config_dir__, filename)
[docs]def config_file_raw(filename): """ The location of the config file: ~/.cloudmesh/filename. ~ will NOT be expanded :param filename: the filename """ return os.path.join(__config_dir_prefix__, filename)
[docs]def config_file_prefix(): """ The prefix of the configuration file location """ return __config_dir_prefix__
[docs]def config_dir_setup(filename): """ sets the config file and makes sure the directory exists if it has not yet been created. :param filename: :return: """ path = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.isdir(path): Shell.mkdir(path)