Source code for

from __future__ import print_function
import base64
import hashlib
import struct
from os.path import basename
from cloudmesh.common.util import path_expand
from pathlib import Path
import requests

from import Config

# noinspection PyBroadException
[docs]class SSHkey(dict): def __init__(self): self.load() def load(self): self["profile"] = Config()["cloudmesh"]["profile"] self["path"] = path_expand(self["profile"]["publickey"]) self["uri"] = 'file://{path}'.format(path=self["path"]) self['string'] = open(Path(self["path"]), "r").read().rstrip() (self['type'], self['key'], self['comment']) = SSHkey._parse(self['string']) self['fingerprint'] = SSHkey._fingerprint(self['string']) self["name"] = basename(self["path"]).replace(".pub", "").replace("id_", "") self['comment'] = self['comment'] self['source'] = 'ssh'
[docs] def set_permissions(self, path): """ Sets the permissions of the path assuming the path is a public or private key :param path: :return: """ # TODO: implement # use python os.chmod # work with students that do windows and find out how to do it in windows also pass
# noinspection PyDictCreation
[docs] def get_from_git(self, user, keyname=None): """ gets the key from github :param keyname: the keyname :param user: the github username :return: an array of public keys :rtype: list """ uri = "{user}/keys".format(user=user) content = requests.get(uri).json() d = [] for id in range(0, len(content)): entry = content[id] key = entry['key'] thekey = {} name = "{user}_git_{id}".format(user=user, id=id) thekey = { 'id': id, 'uri': uri, 'string': key, 'fingerprint': SSHkey._fingerprint(key), 'name': name, 'comment': name, 'cm_id': name, 'source': 'git', 'kind': 'key' } thekey["type"], thekey["key"], thekey["comment"] = SSHkey._parse( key) if thekey["comment"] is None: thekey["comment"] = name d.append(thekey) return d
def __str__(self): return self['string'] @property def fingerprint(self): return self['fingerprint'] @property def type(self): return self['type'] @property def comment(self): return self['comment'] @classmethod def _fingerprint(cls, entirekey): """returns the fingerprint of a key. :param entirekey: the key :type entirekey: string """ t, keystring, comment = cls._parse(entirekey) if keystring is not None: return cls._key_fingerprint(keystring) else: return '' @classmethod def _key_fingerprint(cls, key_string): """create the fingerprint form just the key. :param key_string: the key :type key_string: string """ # key = base64.decodestring(key_string) # fp_plain = hashlib.md5(key).hexdigest() key_padding = key_string.strip() + '=' * (4 - len(key_string.strip()) % 4) key = base64.b64decode(key_padding.encode('ascii')) fp_plain = hashlib.md5(key).hexdigest() return ':'.join(a + b for a, b in zip(fp_plain[::2], fp_plain[1::2])) @classmethod def _parse(cls, keystring): """ parse the keystring/keycontent into type,key,comment :param keystring: the content of a key in string format """ # comment section could have a space too keysegments = keystring.split(" ", 2) keytype = keysegments[0] key = None comment = None if len(keysegments) > 1: key = keysegments[1] if len(keysegments) > 2: comment = keysegments[2] return keytype, key, comment def _validate(self, keytype, key): """reads the key string from a file. THIS FUNCTION HAS A BUG. :param key: either the name of a file that contains the key, or the entire contents of such a file :param keytype: if 'file' the key is read form the file specified in key. if 'string' the key is passed as a string in key """ keystring = None if keytype.lower() == "file": try: keystring = open(key, "r").read() except Exception as e: return False elif keytype.lower() == "string": keystring = key try: keytype, key_string, comment = self._parse(keystring) data = base64.decodebytes(key_string) int_len = 4 str_len = struct.unpack('>I', data[:int_len])[0] # this should return 7 if data[int_len:int_len + str_len] == keytype: return True except Exception as e: # print(e) return False def _keyname_sanitation(self, username, keyname): keynamenew = "{username}_{keyname}".format( username=username, keyname=keyname.replace('.', '_').replace('@', '_')) return keynamenew