Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""We use a uniform naming convention method. The name is defined by different kinds of objects. The name is a string
its syntax is defined in a yaml file located at ``~/.cloudmesh/name.yaml``


    - experiment
    - group
    - user
    - kind
    - counter
    schema: '{experiment}-{group}-{user}-{kind}-{counter}'
    experiment: exp
    group: grp
    user: gregor
    kind: container
    counter: 2

This file is automatically generated if it does not exists by a simple `Name` object that can include an ordered
number of dictionary keys such as

:Experiment: is an experiment that all cloud objects can be placed under.

:Group: A group formulates a number of objects that logically build an entity,
        such as a number of virtual machines building a cluster

:User: A user name that may control the group

:Kind: A kind that identifies which kind of resource this is

The last is a counter which is always increased and written into this file in order to assure that the latest
value is safely included in it.

A typical use is


    n = Name(experiment="exp",

    counter = n.get()

Which will return



import os
from pprint import pprint

import yaml

from cloudmesh.common.dotdict import dotdict
from cloudmesh.common.util import path_expand

[docs]class Name(dotdict): def __init__(self, order=None, **kwargs): """ Defines a name tag that sets the format of the name to the specified schema :param schema: """ if order is None: order = ["experiment", "group", "user", "kind", "counter"] if "path" not in kwargs: self.__dict__['path'] = path_expand("~/.cloudmesh/name.yaml") prefix = os.path.dirname(self.__dict__['path']) if not os.path.exists(prefix): os.makedirs(prefix) if os.path.exists(self.path): with open(self.path, 'rb') as dbfile: v = yaml.safe_load(dbfile) or dict() for name in v: self.__dict__[name] = v[name] self.__dict__['order'] = order self.__dict__['schema'] = "{" + "}-{".join(order) + "}" for name in kwargs: self.__dict__[name] = kwargs[name] # = kwargs def flush(self): string = yaml.dump(self.__dict__, default_flow_style=False) bits = bytes(string, encoding='utf-8') with open(self.path, 'wb') as dbfile: dbfile.write(bits) def incr(self): self.__dict__["counter"] += 1 self.flush() def reset(self): self.__dict__["counter"] = 1 self.flush() def __str__(self): return str(self.__dict__["schema"].format(**self.__dict__)) def dict(self): return self.__dict__ def id(self, **kwargs): d = self.__dict__ pprint(d) for e in kwargs: d[e] = kwargs[e] pprint(d) return str(self.__dict__["schema"].format(**d))
# Make a unit test # %% usage/test # a={'experiment':'a', # 'group':'b', # 'user':'gregor', # 'counter':0} # name=Name(a) # # print(name.get(a)) # print(name.get())