Source code for

A convenient method to execute shell commands and return their output. Note:
that this method requires that the command be completely executed before the
output is returned. For many activities in cloudmesh this is sufficient.
import subprocess
import textwrap
from sys import platform
from cloudmesh.common.Shell import Shell

import psutil

[docs]class SystemPath(object): """Managing the System path in the .bashrc or .bash_profile files"""
[docs] @staticmethod def add(path): """ Adds a path to the ``~/.bashrc`` or ``~/.bash_profile`` files. TODO: Windows is not implemented yet. :param path: The path to be added :return: """ script = None if platform == "darwin": script = f""" echo \"export PATH={path}:$PATH\" >> ~/.bash_profile source ~/.bash_profile """.format(path=path) elif platform == "linux": script = """ echo \"export PATH={path}:$PATH\" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc """.format(path=path) elif platform == "windows": script = None # TODO: BUG: Implement # noinspection PyUnusedLocal installer =
[docs]class Script(object): """Executing a script defined by a simple text parameter"""
[docs] @staticmethod def run(script, live=False, debug=False): """ run the specified script line by line. TODO: at one point this should be moved to cloudmesh.common :param script: The script :param debug: If true the output of the script is printed :return: """ if script is not None: result = "" lines = textwrap.dedent(script).strip().split("\n") if debug: print("===============") print(lines) print("===============") for line in lines: if live: r = else: r = subprocess.check_output(line, encoding='UTF-8', shell=True) if debug: print(r) result = result + r return result else: return ""
[docs]def find_process(name): """ find a process by name :param name: the name of the process :return: A list of dicts in which the attributes pid, command, and created are available and the name matches the specified name argument. TODO: at one point this should be moved to cloudmesh.common Return a list of processes matching 'name'. """ processes = None for p in psutil.process_iter(): found = None try: found = except (psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess): pass except psutil.NoSuchProcess: continue if name == found: if processes is None: processes = [] processes.append( { "pid":, "command": " ".join(p.cmdline()), "created": p.create_time() }) return processes