Source code for

import inspect
import shlex
import textwrap

from cloudmesh.common.dotdict import dotdict
from docopt import docopt
from cloudmesh.common.console import Console
from pprint import pprint, pformat
from cloudmesh.variables import Variables
from cloudmesh.common.util import banner

class PluginCommand(object):

class CloudPluginCommand(object):

class ShellPluginCommand(object):

class HPCPluginCommand(object):

class CometPluginCommand(object):

[docs]def map_parameters(arguments, *args): """ This command is useful to map parameters with -- to regular argument dicts for easier processing. :param arguments: :param args: :return: an example is map_parameters(arguments, 'active', 'cloud') where --active=ACTIVE is mapped to arguments["active"] and --cloud=CLOUD is mapped to arguments["cloud"] as arguments is a dotdict, they can than for example be called as """ for arg in args: flag = "--" + arg if flag in arguments: arguments[arg] = arguments[flag] else: arguments[arg] = None
# noinspection PySingleQuotedDocstring,PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def command(func): ''' A decorator to create a function with docopt arguments. It also generates a help function @command def do_myfunc(self, args): """ docopts text """ pass will create def do_myfunc(self, args, arguments): """ docopts text """ ... def help_myfunc(self, args, arguments): ... prints the docopt text ... :param func: the function for the decorator ''' classname = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[1][3] name = func.__name__ help_name = name.replace("do_", "help_") doc = textwrap.dedent(func.__doc__) def new(instance, args): # = doc # noinspection PyUnusedLocal try: argv = shlex.split(args) # pprint(argv) arguments = dotdict(docopt(doc, help=True, argv=argv)) # pprint(arguments) verbose = int(Variables()["verbose"] or 0) if verbose > 9: s = pformat(arguments) banner(s, label="Arguments", color="BLUE") func(instance, args, arguments) except SystemExit as e: if args not in ('-h', '--help'): if "::" in doc: usage = textwrap.dedent(doc.split("::")[1]) else: usage = doc usage = textwrap.dedent(doc.split("Usage:")[1]) print() print ("Usage:") for line in usage.split("\n"): if ":" in line: kind = line.split(":")[0] if kind in ["Arguments", "Options", "Example", "Descriptiom"]: break print(line) Console.error("Could not execute the command. Please check usage with") print () Console.msg(" cms help", name.replace("do_", "")) print () # print (args) # print(e) # print(doc) new.__doc__ = doc return new
# noinspection PySingleQuotedDocstring,PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def basecommand(func): ''' A decorator to create a function with docopt arguments. It also generates a help function @command def do_myfunc(self, args): """ docopts text """ pass will create def do_myfunc(self, args, arguments): """ docopts text """ ... def help_myfunc(self, args, arguments): ... prints the docopt text ... :param func: the function for the decorator ''' classname = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[1][3] name = func.__name__ help_name = name.replace("do_", "help_") doc = textwrap.dedent(func.__doc__) def new(instance, args): # = doc # noinspection PyUnusedLocal try: # print("ARGS", args) argv = shlex.split(args) # print ("ARGV", argv) arguments = docopt(doc, help=True, argv=argv) func(instance, args, arguments) # except docopt.DocoptExit as e: except Exception as e: import traceback, sys traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) if args not in ('-h', '--help'): print (args) Console.error("Could not execute the command.") Console.error("Check usage..") print(doc) except SystemExit as e: if args not in ('-h', '--help'): print(args) Console.error("Could not execute the command.") Console.error("Check usage..") print(e) print(doc) new.__doc__ = doc return new