4.8. ssh

    ssh table
    ssh list [--output=OUTPUT]
    ssh cat
    ssh register NAME PARAMETERS
        conducts a ssh login on a machine while using a set of
        registered machines specified in ~/.ssh/config

  NAME        Name or ip of the machine to log in
  list        Lists the machines that are registered and
              the commands to login to them
  PARAMETERS  Register te resource and add the given
              parameters to the ssh config file.  if the
              resource exists, it will be overwritten. The
              information will be written in /.ssh/config

   -v       verbose mode
   --output=OUTPUT   the format in which this list is given
                     formats includes table, json, yaml, dict
                     [default: table]
   --user=USER       overwrites the username that is
                     specified in ~/.ssh/config
   --key=KEY         The keyname as defined in the key list
                     or a location that contains a public key

    ssh list
        lists the hostsnames  that are present in the
        ~/.ssh/config file
    ssh cat
        prints the ~/.ssh/config file
    ssh table
        prints contents of the ~/.ssh/config file in table format
    ssh register NAME PARAMETERS
        registers a host i ~/.ssh/config file
        Parameters are attribute=value pairs
        Note: Note yet implemented
        executes the ssh command with the given arguments
            ssh myhost
                conducts an ssh login to myhost if it is defined in
                ~/.ssh/config file