5.1. objstorage

      objstorage [--service=SERVICE] create dir DIRECTORY
      objstorage [--service=SERVICE] copy SOURCE DESTINATION [--recursive]
      objstorage [--service=SERVICE] get SOURCE DESTINATION [--recursive]
      objstorage [--service=SERVICE] put SOURCE DESTINATION [--recursive]
      objstorage [--service=SERVICE] list SOURCE [--recursive] [--output=OUTPUT]
      objstorage [--service=SERVICE] delete SOURCE
      objstorage [--service=SERVICE] search  DIRECTORY FILENAME [--recursive] [--output=OUTPUT]

This command does some useful things.

    SOURCE        BUCKET | OBJECT  can be a source bucket or object name or file
    DESTINATION   BUCKET | OBJECT can be a destination bucket or object name  or file
    DIRECTORY     DIRECTORY refers to a folder or bucket on the cloud service for ex: awss3

    -h, --help
    --service=SERVICE  specify the cloud service name like aws-s3

      commands used to upload, download, list files on different cloud objstorage services.

      objstorage put [options..]
          Uploads the file specified in the filename to specified cloud from the SOURCEDIR.

      objstorage get [options..]
          Downloads the file specified in the filename from the specified cloud to the DESTDIR.

      objstorage delete [options..]
          Deletes the file specified in the filename from the specified cloud.

      objstorage list [options..]
          lists all the files from the container name specified on the specified cloud.

      objstorage create dir [options..]
          creates a folder with the directory name specified on the specified cloud.

      objstorage search [options..]
          searches for the source in all the folders on the specified cloud.

  set objstorage=s3object
  objstorage put SOURCE DESTINATION --recursive
  is the same as
  objstorage --service=s3object put SOURCE DESTINATION --recursive